Wednesday, 7 February 2007


This blog will cover my take from the bible pespective. I believe that we should all prove what we hear and believe, holding on to only what is sound and rejecting all that is false. For us to know what is false from what is true, we can not use logic, tradition or emotion, but only that which is greater that these, and that is the word of God (the Holy Bible).

The bible is made up of 66 books pened by 40 different individuals, but authored by one God. Anything outside these 66 books is false and should be rejected as such. God is not an idiot, if he wanted the other, so called lost books of the bible, the would never have been lost to start with.

My aim is to encourage and challenge people to revisit what they believe, for not all that is taught and preached in the name of God is in line with the word of God.

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